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Best Dedicated Streaming PC Builds [ Ultimate Guide]

The dedicated streaming pc Games are meant to be played, at least by one player, and maybe two or three players. Recently, this has Dedicated streaming PC build 2021. Best CPU for dedicated streaming PC Games can now be viewed in spectator mode thanks to the online game-dedicated Dedicated streaming PC build 2021 service Twitch.

Best CPU for dedicated streaming pc Twitch has gained stupendous popularity in recent years, hosting thousands of game streams at a time. In order to build a streaming PC, there are some things you need to get, basically. Then you’re good to go. Dedicated streaming PC build 2021 We are going to outline all the requirements for a dedicated streaming pc build with expert recommendations.

The dedicated streaming pc build 2020 has been one of the fastest-growing industries in the world today. dedicated streaming pc build 2020 can include a variety of activities such as gaming, chatting, and cooking, among many others. Tons of people earn money through dedicated streaming pc build, with some of the biggest names, such as Ninja and Shroud, 3900x dedicated streaming PC earning millions every year.

If you want to get into live Dedicated streaming PC build 2021 yourself, there are a few things that you have to consider. 3900x dedicated streaming PC this ranges from what platform you should stream on if you need a single PC or multiple to have a dedicated streaming pc build game and dedicated streaming pc build 2020 PC, what other equipment you need, and many more.3900x dedicated streaming PC this guide will help you decide a tonne of these things, including whether it’s worth it to get a dedicated Dedicated streaming PC build 2021 PC.

Single Streaming PC vs. Dual Streaming PC Setups

The first thing that you have to consider is whether you need a dedicated streaming pc build 2020 PC or not. Today, modern hardware is powerful enough to allow you to stream and game on the same 3900x dedicated streaming PC. With that being said, it is not always a good idea to stream on the same PC, especially if you are playing load-heavy games such as AAA games that put a lot of stress on your hardware, which can make you a little choppy or make your game lag. But there are times when you can get away with simply streaming and gaming on a single Best CPU for a dedicated streaming PC.

Single Streaming PC

dedicated streaming pc build 2020 with a single Best CPU for dedicated streaming PC is definitely possible because streaming with the right settings will usually only take up a small amount of your PC’s hardware. However, you’ll need to have a relatively powerful Best CPU for a dedicated streaming PC in order to pull this off without any major problems. The good thing about using a single Dedicated streaming PC build 2021 is that it’s always going to be way cheaper than running a dual setup. streaming only pc build You’re essentially buying double the hardware if you go with a dedicated streaming PC which can cost you a lot.

Dual Streaming PC

Now having a dual streaming-only pc build setup is the dream for most streamers. Most popular streamers have a dedicated streaming OBS dedicated streaming PC, there are even others like Dr. Lupo who took it to the next level and has an insane triple streaming-only pc build setup.

This OBS dedicated streaming PC just ensures that you have enough power dedicated to your game and enough power dedicated to your streaming-only pc build which will result in an enjoyable experience for you and your viewers at all times.

One of the best arguments for having a dedicated streaming-only pc build is that you won’t run into any stutters or frame drops as long as your main gaming  PC has good hardware that can support the game you are playing. You can essentially crank up the game settings to max and it won’t affect your stream at all.

Building Your Streaming PC

Now that you know the difference between using a single streaming PC and a dual PC setup, let’s move on to what components you need to build. First of all, building a dedicated streaming pc specs is quite easy and would only take you around an afternoon to set up.

If you are building a PC whose sole purpose is to only stream the content, you have tons of options and have a lot of freedom in your budget. However, if you plan on gaming and dedicated streaming pc specs on the same PC you’ll probably have to spend quite a bit more.

Streaming and Gaming PC

For both streaming and gaming PC setups, having a multi-core processor is essential. It will help lessen the load and help both your game and stream become smoother. We are listing down below some general parts that you can use as a guideline and will help you know how to build a streaming PC.

Recommended Budget Build

This build is a budget-friendly build that can help you get started. It’s a powerful enough PC to be able to play most games at good frame rates. It’s also powerful enough to be able to stream easy to run games such as esports titles and indie games at 720p.

I suggest getting at least 16GB of RAM just so you have enough headroom when but 8GB should be fine at first just make sure to upgrade somewhere down the line.

Recommended Mid-Range Build

This build is a pretty solid one that should run pretty much all games at good frame rates. It has a 6-core 12-thread processor that should help you a lot when it comes to streaming while gaming. It also has plenty of storage which you can use to store any recordings of gameplay that you choose to keep.

Dedicated Streaming PC

The great thing about a dedicated is that you don’t get a performance hit in-game when streaming or recording since a separate PC does all the hard work. With that being said, a dedicated streaming PC build is always way cheaper than your main PC since it doesn’t require as much power as gaming.

Recommended Budget Build

This build is great but cheap. It should be able to handle 1080p at 30FPS or even 60 if you tweak a few settings but where it really shines is 720p. It’s a very cheap build that is great for streamers who are starting out and don’t want to spend much. You can get away with this setup since it doesn’t require much power, especially at lower resolutions.

Recommended Mid-Range Build

This is a better overall build if you have a bit more money to spend. It also has a dedicated NVIDIA GPU which means that you can use NVENC for encoding if you want. It’s a great build for 900p/1080p streaming and is still relatively cheap.

Recommended High-End Build

This should have more than enough power to stream at 1080p 60FPS without any problem. It’s quite frankly overkilled at this point but the great thing about this build is that you can also pretty much use this as an editing rig if you want to post highlights of your gameplay and other similar things.

It’s also a good enough PC to use as a backup streaming and gaming rig in the event that your main PC suffers from technical difficulties.

Pre-Built Dedicated Streaming PC

If you don’t have the time to build your own PC or simply don’t know how to build a streaming PC, then you can simply go for a pre-built one. You just have to plug it in and start streaming. These pre-builts are good enough to be used as a Twitch streaming PC and range from a variety of budgets so that you can find one that fits your own.

Recommended Budget Pre-Built PC for Streaming – iBuyPower Gaming PC Element Mini 9300

This is an amazing starter PC that doesn’t break the bank. It’s one of the cheapest available pre-builts coming in at around $500 and it also comes with a graphics card. Most of the work will be done by the 4-core 8-thread Ryzen 3 3100 which should be able to handle streaming well. This build is quite similar to our recommended one and is actually slightly better.

Streaming Platform

Once your streaming setup is complete, you still have to consider a few things such as the platform you are going to be streaming on. Today there are a few viable choices in Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook.


The obvious choice is Twitch. It’s by far the most popular platform that people go on to stream and watch streams, and is well categorized and organized according to the games you stream. Tons of big streamers such as Shroud and Ninja primarily stream on Twitch.

Twitch also has some of the best UI with tons of flexibility that allows you to give more character to your channel and your streams. There are no Twitch streaming PC requirements, however, if you aren’t a Twitch partner, your stream is limited to a lower resolution. This means that even if you have a top-of-the-line PC with the best possible internet connection, you can’t stream at high resolutions if you aren’t a Twitch partner.


YouTube is another live streaming platform that is growing in popularity. YouTube is primarily known as a video-sharing platform so it does have some roots in the content creation/ entertainment scene. LazarBeam and Valkyrie are some of the top streamers who regularly and exclusively stream on YouTube.One advantage of streaming on YouTube is that you can stream high-quality content without any restrictions or requirements. You can stream at up to 4K 60FPS if your hardware and your internet can pull it off.


Thanks to the growing popularity of live streaming, Facebook started its own live streaming service. Facebook is a social networking site and has been slowly evolving regularly. Some of their popular streamers like Disguised Toast and Corinna Kopf, both previously streamed on Twitch before making the move to Facebook.

An advantage that Facebook has over the other platforms is that you can easily invite your friends on Facebook to like your page and watch your videos. They can see your stream when they are scrolling on their feed that offers a higher chance of them watching your live streams. There are also tons of Facebook groups that you can share your stream to, making it easier to network and promote your page.

Encoder Settings

As for the encoder, there are basically two encoding options you can choose from. Software encoding, where most of the processing is done by the CPU, and hardware encoding, where most of the processing is done by the GPU. Software encoding makes use of the CPU to encode and process the image. This generally results in a higher quality image because the CPU tries to include as much detail as it can.

Hardware encoding, on the other hand, is done on GPUs from Nvidia and AMD. Both brands have their own encoders, though generally Nvidia’s encoder, NVENC, produces better results. If you are using a single PC, it’s generally better to use either AMD’s or Nvidia’s encoder.

This relieves a tonne of stress from your CPU and frees it up to process more of your game than of your stream. However, if you are using a dedicated streaming PC, as long as you have a relatively powerful CPU, you should make use of software encoding for overall better image quality.


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